How To Thicken Eyelashes To Look Beautiful?
Eyes are considered to be the most important part of our beauty because the most important part of the face is the eyes which are seen first, the more big and beautiful eyes will be. The more beauty flashes and the most important role it plays are the eyelids which, even if they are long and dense, can not stand in front of the beauty of your eyes if the eyelids are not thick. So people try to improve it through makeup. Here are some home remedies that can make your eyelashes thick, long and thick, so know how to make the eyelashes thick, which you can do at home There is no need to apply any cream. So, let's know how to thicken eyelashes.
Olive Oil:
Friends,how to thicken elelashes if you apply olive oil on your eyelids with the help of cotton before sleeping. By doing this, the essential vitamins present in the olive oil will be absorbed into the eyelids throughout the night. Due to which their growth will increase, you will see the effect in 1 week.
Aloe Vera:
With the help of aloe vera you are very helpful in making thick eyelids, take two spoons of aloe vera gel, then add a little olive oil to it. After mixing them, you can apply them to your eyelashes and eyebrows as well. Apply it in the same way as you use a smile, clean it after 20 minutes.
Castor Oil:
If you want to make your eyelashes thick and beautiful, then the use of castor oil at home is the best, it is rich in vitamins, minerals, protein, and the usefulness of which you can make your eyelashes dense. For this, you can apply castor oil at the roots of your eyelids with the help of a brush while sleeping at night. Then do a little massage. This method will act as a moisturizer on your eyelids. And keeping your eyelids healthy will help to increase their growth, which will make your eyelashes thicker.
Lemon Peels:
Add lemon peel and castor oil in a small bowl and mix. Now keep them to dry. After drying, use the lemon peel on your eyelids. Let it sit overnight. Wash your mouth in the morning and do this for one week and you will get the benefit.
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